A national guide to resources and links

Trans Pathways - is the largest study ever conducted into the mental health and care pathways of trans and gender diverse young people in Australia. It is also the first Australian study to incorporate the views of parents and guardians of trans young people.

Trans Pathways Report: download the Full Document or Summary

Telethon Institute - Fact Sheet on Gender Dysphoria.

Switch board - Telephone counselling service with an LGBTIQ focus.

Qlife - Online and telephone counselling service with an LGBTIQ focus.

Headspace - National youth mental health foundation dedicated to improving the wellbeing of young Australians.

Project Rockit - Delivers sessions to schools on empowering young people to lead change.

Beyond blue - Telephone counselling and resource website.

Reach Out - helps under 25s with everyday questions through tough times. Also has resources for parents.

Office of the Chidren's E Safety Commissioner - An Australian Federal Government initiative, The Office of the E Safety Commissioner is committed to helping young people have safe, positive experiences online.

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Parents of young children, adolescents and adult trans and gender diverse children deal with different issues and questions at different times.
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