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Our History

Parents of Gender Diverse Children became an Incorporated Association in Victoria as a way to give a voice to parents of trans and gender diverse children.

Our goal was to have a platform from which to speak out about the potential elimination of LGBTIQ+ specific support programmes within educational environments. It soon became apparent that we could do so much more, and we have gone from strength to strength.


Parents of Gender Diverse Children accepts direct, self referral from parents, and referrals from professionals and service providers that work with both families and young people.

We speak directly with every family that is referred to us, and through this process we can connect and refer them on to services, groups and providers that are most relevant to their needs and location.


Alongside the direct support we provide to parents and families we spend a great deal of time speaking to professionals, services and interested groups about gender diversity, and inclusive practice.

We believe that this advocacy work raises awareness, breaks down barriers and equips professionals and services with the tools that they need to be open, supportive and inclusive.

Pride March

In 2016 Parents of Gender Diverse Children participated in our first Midsumma Pride March, and became the first group fully dedicated to transgender kids marching in any pride march in Australia.

Each year our group grows, and in 2017 we had over 120 people marching. It is always an amazing day for everyone who participates and starts off each year with a renewed sense of community, cohesion and pride for our trans and gender diverse children.

Feel connected& supported

Every little bit helps


We are a volunteer run organisation which means we rely on funding to provide our services.  A donation to PGDC means we can continue our life saving work and expand our services. We have one off donation options as well as a ' Friends of PGDC' membership option.