

Written by Amin | 22 January 2024

First Day Webinar

Q&A Webinar with ACTF

Stop Using Phony Science to Justify Transphobia

Scientific American

A Guide to Pronoun Use

What are pronouns? Why do they matter?

The Singular They

a guide to its use and why it isn't grammatically incorrect

9 Things People Get Wrong About Being Non-binary

teenvogue, January 2019

Evie Macdonald shares her story

The Project, September 2018


First Day ABC, October 2017 

First Day follows main character Hannah as she finishes primary school and begins her secondary schooling. Hannah experiences all the excitement and fear associated with this transition, but her first day of high school is even more significant: it’s the first day she will wear a girl’s uniform to school and go by her chosen name, rather than the boy’s name she was given at birth. 


Star Observer

Vimeo Interview


Dr Norman Spack TED Talk

A brilliant talk from world renowned Dr Norman Spack sharing why he supports and treats transgender youth.

How I help transgender teens become who they want to be 


Abby Stein, June 2017

Abby Stein was born and raised in a Hasidic community in Brooklyn, NY where she also attended rabbinical school. At age 20 she left the Hasidic community, and is currently a second year student at Columbia University Studying Gender Studies and Political Science. 

Abby Stein


The Age, May 2017

A mother talks about parenting a transgender child.

I threw away my parental GPS and you should too


Huffington Post - Blog

Exploring issues around privacy and your child's identity.

Parenting a Transgender Child: Thanks for Outing me Mom


Joy FM, May 2017

Listen to the Podcast of a Joy FM interview with Karyn and Meagan from Parents of Gender Diverse Children and the team from Family Matters. 

Family Matters podcast 


The Border Mail, April 2017

Regional Victoria gets a gender service. 

First regional gender service clinic opens on the border


NITV, February 2017

SBS Living black has rare access into the lives of three female to male Indigenous transgender people, known as Brotherboys


ABC News Australia, November 2016

Transitioning at a young age.  

Being a girl is amazing, September 2016

Transgender children, The mums forcing a social change 

The mums pushing for change for their transgender children 


Star Observer, June 2016

As trans visibility has risen, so too have the public debates around the rights and acceptance.

The struggles trans kids face in Australia 


Metro news UK, April 2016

Transcend- A series of portraits of transgender and gender diverse youth.

Metro news


Buzzfeed, March 2016

In Australia, Trans Teens Have A Choice: Go To Court, Or Miss Out On Treatment. 

Meet the kids fighting for the right to transition